Men Need to Stop Feeling Entitled to Women’s Advocacy

Most of us have heard about the currently famous statement that the boy child has been forgotten while the girl child is over-empowered.
This statement is often raised by men who demand that males' and boys’ rights be advocated for on the same level as that of women. This is perfectly okay as we want an equal society. However, these men demand that women do this advocacy just as they are doing it for the female gender.
It is frustrating that these men who demand advocacy from women for their rights are not even willing to fight for themselves or each other. However, they have the audacity to feel entitled to women’s advocacy.
The most annoying thing about the men talking about the neglect of male empowerment and boy-child advocacy is that the only thing they are doing is complaining. They complain about women getting more rights, about men being victimized, about the boy child being forgotten, and about the negative effect of a patriarchal society.
These men complain and do nothing about their situation.
These men who dare to demand that women stand up for men are the same men who look the other way when women are being abused. They are also the same men who laugh when they hear their fellow men were sexually assaulted or experiencing domestic violence.
It is only fair to want a world where everyone enjoys their rights and freedoms but can’t each gender lead their fights, respectively?
Furthermore, men and women know their collective struggles intimately, which calls for both genders to champion their rights, respectively.
Men should start fighting for their rights and their advocacy because they understand best what they go through and what they need. The same energy they use to cry about being neglected is the same energy they should use to fight the neglect and demand for their rights.
As a woman, I do not hate men or call them trash, but it is also not okay for women to take it upon themselves to fight for men’s rights. This act encourages the male gender to relax and wait for women to fight their battles. It gives them entitlement to women’s advocacy. More so, we do not want to belittle men’s ability to fight their battles.
Men will hit you with lame points that we are raising a generation of empowered women and weak men. As much as women should play a role in molding the boy child, it should be the male gender’s core responsibility to raise the boy child into the man he is supposed to be.
Women carry so many burdens already and do not need to be made to feel guilty about not fighting men and boys in war. We are busy fighting for girls to get pads, clothes, and be safe from rapist relatives.
Men need to know that they can no longer afford to be silent about their issues. The girl child is being empowered and getting equal rights because women will continue being loud about their problems.
For the men out there speaking against toxic masculinity, male rape, and safe workplaces, kudos for taking the bold step. For the men hiding behind their phones and feeling entitled to women’s advocacy, remember that time is running out. And no one will fight for male issues as passionately and accurately as your own gender will. Women are ready to help but for your own sake, lead the way.